Tuesday, January 25, 2011

.: first task, first entry :.

The Grammar Aquarium website is chosen in order to complete the requirement task; Task 1 for TSL 641, Computer Assisted Language Learning. The website can be surfed through http://perso.wanadoo.es/autoenglish/freeexercises.htm and useful for second language learner as it is created by non-English speaker. The main target of the website is the children aged 11 years old up to secondary school level of learning English. In addition, it is very helpful for EFL and ESL teachers in language learning classroom as well as for English language learner to be utilized as self-learning on their own.

The Grammar Aquarium website is designed to teach Grammar in particular. It emphasize on every topic of English grammar by providing adequate number of exercises for each of the topic. Other than providing exercises, it also offers many links to other popular websites in the explanation column of each grammar forms. It covers from the very basic form in English language, namely countable and uncountable nouns till the topic of Tenses. It is found very accommodating for English teacher because it provides Print-out edition of every exercises. Thus, teacher can print any of the exercises they want to use in the classroom as the handout for the students. On the other hand, website developer also includes few vocabulary parts, ‘Tricky Words’, in which emphasize on the common confusing words in English language.  

The application users are expected to learn Grammar through all the interactive notes and exercises provided in the website. In addition, they are supposed to answer the exercises offered in the website. However, the website is using very less interactive materials such as pictures and sounds which might be difficult for teachers to attract students’ attention and interest as learners are believed to have different style and strategies in learning language.     

There is no complicated computer skills needed in order to explore and utilize the chosen website. The website only utilizes simple skills such as features of a browser (back, refresh, forward buttons etc.) and understands the uses key words in a simple search as well as clicking the categories on the menu to find the grammar form needed. In addition, it is found that the website is quite easy for users as it put the notes, exercises and handouts in specific timetable. The notes section also gives opportunity for users to use and explore external links provided which link to other websites.  In fact, the website designer also direct users on how to use the website by briefly explain it as users successfully access the website.  

Using computer itself is slightly different with traditional method of teaching and learning process in language classroom which is usually will be ‘chalk and talk’ lesson. Referring to the learning experiences that most of students had, the website chosen is more to student-centered in which students can explore it by themselves, get familiar with how the website works for language learners and gain something beneficial for them. Furthermore, it provides more freedom for learners in choosing which grammar items they want to be tested as well as chances to learn better as mistakes done are being acknowledged only by the users themselves. In fact, the website can be very good learning material as students are not asked to copy notes and exercises like what students usually face in classroom. However, if the learners are given chances to use computer in computer lab at school, this website can offer various group activity by answering the exercises within 3 to 4 group members.       

Principle of using computer in language learning and teaching is must be closely related to second language acquisition theories. Therefore, it is found that the chosen website employs the Content-based instruction where it provides second-language learners instruction in content and language. As the website emphasizes only on grammar and few vocabulary knowledge, thus the users can focus on the subject matter than the language learning process since it can be use outside of the classroom. Keeping the students motivated and interested in language learning is the profound advantage of content-based learning, so, the notes and exercises in The Grammar Aquarium can make students learn language automatically as they are free to make mistakes and keep doing it.        

The constructivist theory of learning is always associated with active learning and related to learners’ prior knowledge. The theory is not fully applied to the Grammar Aquarium as not much communication and critical thinking skill is inquired except for answering exercises given. However, the exercises provided can build students’ schemata as they go through it and use it meaningfully in their daily communication.  

            It is believed that computer is neither a replacement for teachers nor a master to any users. It is more like a ‘library’ to the learning process where teachers or students can get many references, materials, exercises, teaching and learning aids in improving what we normally have namely books, journals, newspaper etc. The Grammar Aquarium is seen as a helper in enhancing the way second language learners acquire language other than using books, recording materials, etc.   

            The application seems very useful for my future work in terms of teaching grammar and creating slightly different way of learning language. In addition, the website designer also divides the topic well and uses linear link which might not confuse the students. In fact, minimum speed of loading the exercises makes it very applicable to use in one period lesson of teaching and learning grammar. It might be not as interactive as other websites with many pictures and interesting sound yet more meaningful since it is more content specific. Nevertheless, the website can be improved with more pictures and games such as hangman, word attack and many more before they move on from one topic to other topic.